When you upload information on a web hosting server, it will take some storage space on the hdd depending on its overall size. In case you have a script-driven site which stores its information in a database, it will need more space, the more people use it. For example, if you have a message board, the more opinions people leave, the larger the database shall get. E-mail messages, especially ones with attachments, also take some space in the website hosting account. The disk space quota that you receive with any shared website hosting supplier is the amount of info you may have at any given moment, and this incorporates website files, emails and databases. Likewise, a home computer has a hard drive and the computer software installed on it in addition to any docs and / or music files that you make or download require some storage, which can't exceed the full capacity of the hdd.
Disk Space in Shared Website Hosting
Our shared website hosting plans were developed with the notion that not sufficient storage space cannot be a thing that will limit the development of your web sites. That's the reason why we've taken a technique which is different from the one that most hosting suppliers use - rather than creating all of the accounts using one server and subsequently running out of disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage space is taken care of by a large cluster of servers. That's why, we can install more machines when they're needed and / or more hard disk drives, so as to provide additional disk space for the files of our valued customers. Individual clusters manage the emails as well as the databases, as a result not only are you able to increase the size of your sites without worrying about hard disk space, but also the servers will perform faster and better due to the fact that every single service has its own storage space and a single server doesn't handle various types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you get a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will not have to worry about the disk space that you're able to use because of the simple reason that the characteristic is limitless. By contrast to various other website hosting companies that advertise the same service, yet generate accounts using just a single machine where quite a limited number of hdds can be attached, we work with an avant-garde cloud platform using groups of servers. All of your files will be kept on a single cluster, your e-mails on a different one, your databases on a third one and so on. Such a platform provides two significant advantages - first, the disk storage will not finish as we can install more servers to every cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will run much more efficiently because they will handle just a single kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server package will give you the option to expand your sites as much as you want.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
The HDD space that we offer with our VPS servers is different based on the package that you select at the time you register. With a more powerful server, you're able to effortlessly manage multiple websites, meaning more content, therefore the superior the VPS package, the more hard disk space you'll have available. Shifting from one plan to another will take just a couple of clicks and it won't involve any service interruption. Your web site files, databases and emails will share the the full amount of space the server has, however if you'd like to get fixed quotas, you'll be able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during the ordering process. Each of the tools will allow you to generate hosting accounts with restricted hard disk storage and if necessary, even to share out space from one account to a different one. With the third choice that you will find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the space.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The minimal hard disk storage which you can get when you use our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You will have 2 separate HDDs, 250 GB each, and it is up to you the way in which you'll utilize this storage. You can easily have the disks in RAID, so all your content will be safe as one drive will be a real-time mirror of the other, or you can make them function individually, to use the total storage volume that is at your disposal. The hdd space of all of our dedicated web hosting plans is sufficient for everything - large web shops, data depository portal, private archive backup, and many other things. We will never hold back your websites in terms of the storage space they need. In case that they start expanding, we provide you with the option to add further hard disks to your present server when needed. If you get the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you'll be able to create a unique account for each hosted domain and set a certain disk storage quota for it. Using Hepsia all of your domain names will be hosted in a single and they'll share the full server space.